As you walk through the doors of Invincibles Studio for the first time, you may be surprised or even perplexed to see a staff member of the canine variety, curled up and napping on the staff room sofa. For those who work here, this is actually a very familiar and comforting sight.
The canine’s name is Mai and she’s been the resident studio hound since 2011!
Although she’s now what the dog food companies would describe as a “senior” dog (84 in “dog years” to be precise) Mai has been a constant presence in the studio. Her kind eyes have watched, from her many sunny resting spots, the company grow in both staffing numbers and strength.
Three years before “Bring your Dog to Work day” was launched in the UK by ethical pet product company HOWND, Invincibles Studio was ahead of the game because Mai, the family pet of Studio founder Chris Gore, was already making a daily appearance at the studio and brightening up the days of all who work here. In fact, If she takes a day or two off, staff will enquire about her wellbeing and miss her gentle snoring.
Perhaps Mai is one of the reasons why the studio is such a pleasant and calm place to work; research about the benefits of the presence of dogs in both places of education and work is much lauded in the global press. In fact, even cafes are now opening up, where you can pet and play with animals whilst you relax, drink and dine. Animal therapy is a big thing and this has been going on at Invincibles Studio for the past eleven years.
Mai likes to search for sunny spots on the studio floor and can often be spied having a rest on the sofa. She will often amble aimlessly around the desks, proffering her furry head for a quick stroke and brushing against the legs of those working quietly. In short, Mai is a gentle hound; calming and generous with her affection.
Mai, we salute you! Your presence makes us happy and we thank you for your years of loyal service to Invincibles Studio. Long may your work continue!